I was wondering if anybody was interested in writing a RP about a Mycroft/Moriarty pairing ? I know it could seem strange, but I'm really sure it could be very interesting. After all, this would be a complex pairing, the assassin and the governement employee...
I have an idea for the story : it would be set between the second and the thid season (at least the beginning of the story). Mycroft would have done something, an error in his job, that could seriously compromise him. Two men who shouldn't have an information of national importance were given access to it because of this error. Seeing no other solution, and having to have those men killed without any trouble, he would have contact the Consulting Criminal for an appointement...
I already have written the very beginning, and I would do Moriarty's pov. If anyone is interested, please, just let me know ! There's already a topic is Slash/Pairing section called "An appointment with the consulting criminal", if you want to have a look at the beginning and of course, you're allowed to answer !