It was five in the morning and the sun was just starting to come though the dusty curtains at 221b. Sherlock had been awake four at least twenty-four hours and was itching for caffeine. His dressing gown flowing behind him, he strode over to the kitchen and switched on the percolator. He felt a headache coming on.
He pressed one hand to his forehead and groaned, the pressure behind his eyes building. He needed sleep. Or caffeine. Preferably both. In a slight daze, he stumbled over to the sitting room and picked up his violin.
Bach, he decided, was best at five in the morning. He began to play as loud as he possibly could. His headache felt significantly better.
He pressed one hand to his forehead and groaned, the pressure behind his eyes building. He needed sleep. Or caffeine. Preferably both. In a slight daze, he stumbled over to the sitting room and picked up his violin.
Bach, he decided, was best at five in the morning. He began to play as loud as he possibly could. His headache felt significantly better.