BBC Sherlock Roleplay Forum

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BBC Sherlock Roleplay Forum

Be any character you like. It doesn't matter how many Sherlocks, Johns or Jims we have as we can all have slightly different usernames and RP using different topics. Just remember to name your RP topics so we can distinguish between them. Have fun!

4 posters

    Wholock! - Looking for a John


    Posts : 304
    Join date : 2013-04-04
    Location : London, England
    Job : Trying to find a veterinary job
    Hobbies : The arts (instruments, acting, drawing/painting) and helping Sherlock and John when they need it

    Wholock! - Looking for a John Empty Wholock! - Looking for a John

    Post by sweetstripedwatson Tue May 07, 2013 9:18 am

    Crackedshot and I have been discussing a Wholock roleplay, and we still need a John in it.

    If your interested, here's the plot: Sherlock and John are out working on a murder mystery (sounds so much cooler than 'case') and at a point where John gets separated from Sherlock for a little while, he finds the doctor who had been working on the same case as him- you guessed. The killer's an alien. We haven't decided who or what it is yet, if you have any ideas let us know.
    Oh! And there may be some Johnlock in it. Depends on what crackedshot is thinking.

    The Doctor (10th): sweetstripedwatson

    Sherlock: crackedshot

    John: ???
    Dr. John H. Watson
    Dr. John H. Watson

    Posts : 657
    Join date : 2013-01-06
    Location : London, the bloody stupid miserable...
    Job : Army Doctor, formerly of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers
    Hobbies : If you count wishing I was back in Afghanistan every second of my life as a hobby, then all right.

    Wholock! - Looking for a John Empty Re: Wholock! - Looking for a John

    Post by Dr. John H. Watson Tue May 07, 2013 8:55 pm

    I'm up for it, as the norm John and not as my usual character!

    Posts : 40
    Join date : 2013-04-19
    Location : London
    Job : Doctor/Blogger...babysitter er uhm companion

    Wholock! - Looking for a John Empty Re: Wholock! - Looking for a John

    Post by ToySoldier Wed May 08, 2013 4:34 am

    Really wish I was more versed on Dr. Who lol because it sounds like a lovely time.

    Posts : 304
    Join date : 2013-04-04
    Location : London, England
    Job : Trying to find a veterinary job
    Hobbies : The arts (instruments, acting, drawing/painting) and helping Sherlock and John when they need it

    Wholock! - Looking for a John Empty Re: Wholock! - Looking for a John

    Post by sweetstripedwatson Thu May 09, 2013 10:10 am

    Alright, thanks Dr. John H. Watson!

    I'll make the post later

    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2013-04-26
    Age : 30
    Job : Student
    Hobbies : Avid fanfic writer and graphics maker; studying fangirling, minor in architecture

    Wholock! - Looking for a John Empty Re: Wholock! - Looking for a John

    Post by crackedshot Sun May 12, 2013 12:07 am

    Whoop, only saw this now. Thanks so much for volunteering!

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    Wholock! - Looking for a John Empty Re: Wholock! - Looking for a John

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